- Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- PwC (officially Pricewa
- Ernst & YoungterhouseCoopers)
soft skills Polly Peck, Maxwell, Barings The 20 th century <Polly Peck, Maxwell, Barings > In 1932, two economists Bearle and Means made some observations about American companies: ● Shareholders were more likely to sell their shares than speak out if they thought directors were not running the company very well. This could result in poor quality management never losing their jobs. ● Some American companies were getting very By the 1950s, companies were growing ever larger – what we now know as " The 1970s – 1990s saw problems starting to become common. By the late 1980s, there were some famous corporate collapses – some due to poor management, but many due to fraud: large , and with so many shareholders there was a growing gap between those who owned the companies, and those who controlled them. globalization " … the existence of large multinational companies with influence around the world was well under way. Polly Peck ● Rapid growth in the 1980s took this East...
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