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Showing posts from March 30, 2011

Limitations of internal control systems bu soft skills

soft skills Limitations of internal control systems Even if Control Systems are assessed as very strong, auditors will still do SOME substantive testing. Controls are never completely reliable because: ● staff make mistakes ● staff collude to override systems ● staff believe the cost of the control is greater than the benefit ... so refuse to do it ● controls are designed for normal events ... unique / new types of transaction may bypass the system


soft skills WHAT IS AN INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM? According to the Turnbull guidance in the UK Combined Code, control systems need to: ● Safeguard company assets ● Maintain the efficient running of the business ● Protect the accuracy of financial reporting information ● Protect the company from breaking laws and regulations There are several ways in which control can be achieved in an organisation: ● The use of contracts (e.g. with employees) to clarify roles and responsibilities ● A system of reward and discipline ● Feedback and feedforward ● A clear organisational and command structure It is generally accepted that a good Internal Control System is made up of 5 elements: ● A strong Control Environment ● Good Control Procedures ● Good Risk Assessment ● Good Information Systems ● Effective Monitoring (typically the role of internal auditors ) Control environment The control procedures are unlikely to be effective unless there is a strong control environment: ● Management Att


soft skills In family companies, it is often the case that: ● family members have special voting rights ● family members have guaranteed seats on the board. This can lead to both positive and negative governance issues. Positive ● with the family name at stake, there is likely to be a greater feeling of "ownership" on the Board, which may reduce the risk of unethical behaviour ● to continue the family name, a longer term view of management may occur. Negative ● a less independent board ● the board may have a dominant person / group of family members ● with board members often coming from a single family, there may be a lack of variety in ideas, and an unwillingness to change previous decisions ● family problems may become business problems ● there may be unsuitable people on the board, who were elected purely because of their membership of the family. DOMINATED COMPANIES

by soft skills

What is professional behaviour? In its simplest terms, professional behaviour is behaving in a manner that is prescribed, and expected, by your profession. In a wider sense, professional behaviour would involve: o Following the rules and standards mentioned above o Ensuring your work was always of the best quality o Not doing anything to damage the reputation of the profession o Actively trying to improve the reputation of the profession o Acting in the "public interest" at all times. The public interest On many occasions in your studies, you meet the concept of "public interest". For example, auditors are usually expected to keep client information As noted in confidential ; but one exception to this rule is where disclosing the information would be in the public interest. chapter 8 , this is a very difficult concept. For example: o How many of the public should we consider? o How many can we consider? o As a result of such difficulties, the professional account